All One in Christ: A Catholic Critique of Racism and Critical Race Theory

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The Catholic Church has consistently and unequivocally condemned racism throughout its history, with roots tracing back to centuries of papal teaching and Scholastic theology. Yet, in the name of antiracism, Critical Race Theory has emerged as a prominent force, claiming to be the solution to racial injustice. However, as this book, All One in Christ, reveals, Critical Race Theory is, in reality, a subtle and pernicious form of racism that fundamentally contradicts the social teaching of the Church and the call of Christ. Rather than embracing this flawed ideology, Catholics are urged to reaffirm their opposition to racial injustice by recognizing the inherent dignity and capacity for knowledge, charity, and redemption through grace that exists in every human being. By doing so, they can work towards a truly just and equitable society that honors the universal brotherhood of humanity.


Edward Feser


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