Abortion: And the Sanctity of Human Life

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The silent screams of the unborn refuse to be stilled, piercing the conscience of a society that seeks to muffle their cries through abortion, empty rhetoric, and willful ignorance. But the unborn will not be silenced. Their cry echoes through the chambers of the heart, demanding to be heard. Abortion is a dual-edged sword, its devastating impact felt not only by the innocent lives it claims, but also by the women who are left to grapple with the crushing weight of their decision. The aftermath of abortion is a trail of shattered relationships, suffocating guilt, and anguished memories that haunt for a lifetime. It is time for the church to awaken to the anguish of these wounded hearts, to listen to their cries, and to become a voice for those who are too traumatized to speak. Dr. Francis Beckwith's compelling study is a clarion call to Christians, empowering them to move beyond the shallow rhetoric that surrounds this critical issue and to grasp the stark reality of what is at stake. This powerful resource will equip believers to become passionate advocates for life, capable of touching hearts and transforming minds.


Francis J. Beckwith


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