A Visual Defense: The Case for and Against Christianity

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A well-crafted argument typically consists of premises, counterarguments, conclusions, and refutations. However, when it comes to defending the Bible and Christian beliefs, many people rely on assumptions rather than rigorous analysis. This may be due to a lack of understanding about their beliefs or a lack of training in articulating them. To empower Christians with the skills to critically evaluate and defend their faith, Robert Velarde has developed a user-friendly approach to visually mapping apologetic arguments. In A Visual Defense, he demonstrates how visual representations of arguments can serve as powerful critical thinking tools, helping Christians to better understand the flow of arguments. After exploring the importance of apologetics and the benefits of argument diagrams, Velarde provides readers with specific arguments for and against God and Christianity, allowing them to apply their newfound mapping skills. By integrating faith and reason, Christians can develop a robust, evidence-based case for their beliefs and demonstrate the intellectual resilience of their faith in the face of challenges. With a solid analytical strategy and biblical knowledge, Christians can confidently engage with any intellectual critique of their faith.


Robert Velarde


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