A Secular Age

4.50 out of 5 stars


In this seminal work, Charles Taylor delves into the profound transformation of Western society, where the ubiquity of faith has given way to a multitude of choices, rendering religion just one of many human possibilities. Through a historical lens, Taylor masterfully navigates the evolution of modernity, revealing a complex tapestry of new departures, dissolutions, and rebirths. The result is a secular world where religious belief and practice coexist with a proliferation of spiritual, anti-religious, and novel options, each vying to provide meaning and shape to our lives. As we struggle to make sense of this multifaceted landscape, Taylor's timely and timeless inquiry probes the far-reaching implications of this shift, including the emergence of collective religious movements that can foster mass mobilization and violence. A New York Times Notable Book of the Year, this thought-provoking exploration is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the intricate dance between faith, society, and the human experience.


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