A Practical Guide to Culture: Helping the Next Generation Navigate Today's World

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In a world where culture threatens to consume the next generation, we have a choice: stand by or step in. In this hands-on guide, John Stonestreet and Brett Kunkle tackle the tough questions that are shaping the lives of twenty-first-century youth. What are the hidden forces driving their values and beliefs? Why do so many struggle to find their place in the world? How can we have open and honest conversations with them about the complexities of same-sex marriage and transgenderism? What strategies can leaders use to help kids avoid the dangers of substance abuse and addiction? And most importantly, how can we anchor them in the timeless truth of the biblical narrative, empowering them to become world-changers? This practical guide provides the roadmap to help kids rise above the noise of culture and forge a brighter future.


Brett Kunkle


John Stonestreet


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