A Biblical Point of View on Intelligent Design

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The concept of intelligent design has sparked a maelstrom of debate across educational, political, scientific, and religious circles. But what fuels this controversy? Does it stand in stark opposition to evolution, or is it merely a modern guise for Creationism? Author and Probe Ministries' national director Kerby Anderson delves into the heart of the matter, dissecting the arguments, separating fact from fiction, and posing the crucial questions that readers must consider. Is intelligent design a scientific theory or a religious doctrine? How did naturalism rise to dominance in the intellectual arena? What are the unspoken truths that evolutionists prefer to ignore? Does intelligent design rest on a solid scientific foundation? And how does it compare to biblical creationism? With a lucid and comprehensive presentation, Anderson equips readers to form their own opinions, engage in the debate, and anchor their perspectives in a bedrock of historical evidence, contemporary research, and perceptive analysis.


Kerby Anderson


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