A Biblical Point of View on Homosexuality

4.40 out of 5 stars


It is a valuable tool for parents, educators, and church leaders who want to address the issue with compassion and truth. Kerby Anderson, a prominent Christian apologist and radio host, addresses the cultural shift of homosexuality from the fringes to the mainstream in recent decades. In this comprehensive guide, he separates fact from fiction, examining the effects of homosexuality on families, the church, schools, and traditional marriage. Anderson balances biblical truth with compassion, answering crucial questions about homosexuality, including its prevalence, spiritual implications, and potential links to suicide. He also explores the causes of homosexuality and offers practical advice for Christians seeking to engage with gay and lesbian friends and loved ones in a loving and informed manner. This essential resource provides valuable insights for parents, educators, and church leaders who want to navigate this complex issue with empathy and authenticity.


Kerby Anderson


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