7 Truths That Changed the World: Discovering Christianity's Most Dangerous Ideas

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This book is a call to reclaim these ideas and to let them shape our lives, our churches, and our world. The Christian faith has been a catalyst for profound change throughout history, sparking revolutions that have reshaped the world. At its core are a series of explosive ideas that have consistently challenged the prevailing cultural and religious norms. This book delves into the biblical, historical, and philosophical underpinnings of Christianity's most transformative concepts, revealing how they have altered the course of human history. From the resurrection of Jesus to the notion that humans are created in God's image, these ideas have ignited a fire that continues to burn brightly. They include the radical notion of Jesus as God incarnate, the concept of creation ex nihilo, the harmony of faith and reason, justification by grace through faith, and the redemptive power of suffering. By reclaiming these ideas, pastors, students, and thoughtful Christians will be empowered to confront contemporary challenges and boldly proclaim their faith, transforming their lives, their churches, and their world. This book is a clarion call to rediscover the potency of these ideas and to unleash their transformative power on the world.

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Kenneth R. Samples


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