Who Wrote the Bible?


In this edition of Areopagus Journal, we tackle a pervasive challenge to the Bible's inspiration, infallibility, and authority, one that casts doubt on its authorship claims. Prof. Daniel Block leads the charge, taking on the influential Wellhausen documentary Hypothesis theory that has long been espoused by the majority of critical scholars. Next, Prof. Richard Schultz delves into the debate surrounding the Book of Isaiah, refuting the liberal scholars' assertion that multiple authors contributed to the book over time, and instead presenting compelling evidence for a single prophetic author. Prof. Matt Aernie follows, making a robust case for the traditional authorship of the four Gospels, marshaling both internal and external evidence to counter the liberal position that the Evangelists could not have penned the sacred texts. Finally, Prof. Terry Wilder confronts skeptics who question the authenticity of the New Testament letters, demonstrating how the canonical epistles pass the tests that false ones fail, and highlighting their internal coherence, historical credibility, and integrity.


Matt Aernie


Steven B. Cowan


Craig Branch

The Areopagus Journal of the Apologetics Resource Center

The Areopagus Journal of the Apologetics Resource Center

The Apologist Project

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