Do We Have the Right Text?

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This issue of the Areopagus Journal seeks to provide the answers to these attacks and to give a strong defense for the authority of the Bible. The Christian faith rests on two pillars: the resurrection of Christ and the infallibility of the Bible. While the resurrection can be supported by empirical evidence, it is the Bible that provides the context for understanding its significance. Consequently, skeptics have long sought to undermine the authority of Scripture, questioning its inspiration, inerrancy, and transmission. One line of attack focuses on the reliability of the texts used for translation, given that the originals have been lost. Critics argue that the manuscripts we possess are flawed, casting doubt on the accuracy of modern translations. Some, like Bart Ehrman, even suggest that the errors in these manuscripts make it impossible to recover the original text. In response, this issue of the Areopagus Journal presents a robust defense of the Bible's authority, demonstrating through textual criticism that we possess a reliable text. It also addresses the disputed passages, such as Mark 16:9-20, and critiques the flawed assumptions of the King James only movement. By providing a thorough response to these challenges, this journal seeks to reaffirm the trustworthiness of the Bible.


Keith Gibson


Paul D. Wegner


Matt Aernie


Steven B. Cowan


Craig Branch

The Areopagus Journal of the Apologetics Resource Center

The Areopagus Journal of the Apologetics Resource Center

The Apologist Project

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