Building a Christian Worldview: The Journal of the Apologetics Resource Center

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David Noebel, founder of Summit Ministries, defines worldview as a comprehensive framework that encompasses ideology, theology, movement, or religion, providing a broad perspective on God, humanity, and our place within the world. Unfortunately, many Christians have neglected to cultivate a robust understanding of the world around them. In response, this edition of Areopagus Journal presents a collection of articles designed to foster a cohesive, biblically-grounded perspective on our world. The diverse range of topics includes explorations of the church's nature, the essence of a worldview, the concept of covenantal society, and the foundations of human rights.


Craig Branch


John D. Currid

The Areopagus Journal of the Apologetics Resource Center

The Areopagus Journal of the Apologetics Resource Center

The Apologist Project

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