Discovery Science


The Center for Science and Culture is a Discovery Institute program which supports research by scientists and other scholars challenging various aspects of neo-Darwinian theory, as well as developing the scientific theory known as intelligent design. Discovery's Center for Science and Culture has more than 40 Fellows, including biologists, biochemists, chemists, physicists, philosophers and historians of science, and public policy and legal experts, many of whom also have affiliations with colleges and universities.

Maintained by The Apologist Project.

Bijan Nemati on the Search for Habitable Planets

Bijan Nemati on the Search for Habitable Planets

Medicine's Descent From Healing to Killing - An Interview with Dr. Richard Weikart

Medicine's Descent From Healing to Killing - An Interview with Dr. Richard Weikart

Science Professor Canceled by Atheists Because He Exposed Students to Evidence of Intelligent Design

Science Professor Canceled by Atheists Because He Exposed Students to Evidence of Intelligent Design

The Irreducible Complexity Found in Bacterial Cell Division

The Irreducible Complexity Found in Bacterial Cell Division

Origin of Life: Recycling and Repair (Long Story Short, Episode 13)

Origin of Life: Recycling and Repair (Long Story Short, Episode 13)

Someone Must Have the Answer! (Secrets of the Cell with Michael Behe, Ep. 1)

Someone Must Have the Answer! (Secrets of the Cell with Michael Behe, Ep. 1)

Physics to God: Rational Arguments for Design in the Universe

Physics to God: Rational Arguments for Design in the Universe

What Kind of Information Does DNA Contain?

What Kind of Information Does DNA Contain?

The Apologist Project

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