Dr. Benjamin Shaw


Dr. Ben Shaw has been working with Dr. Gary R. Habermas for over a decade doing philosophical, historical, and theological research while also publishing multiple works together. Additionally, part of his responsibilities was to minister to various people who had questions about Christianity: disciples, doubters, and skeptics. Dr. Shaw has authored or co-authored over two dozen publications (see below) and has given presentations at conferences (AAR, etc.) and universities (UVA, etc.). He has taught at Liberty University and Colorado Christian University. Ben has just released a new book with IVP Academic, Trustworthy: Thirteen Arguments for the Reliability of the New Testament. Order Here  *Contact us directly for bulk orders for your church, business, or school! Bulk Order

While pursuing his academic work, Ben worked in the insurance industry and eventually became the company's Vice President of Marketing and Development. He has also obtained a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He has been married to Rachel for fifteen years. She trains jiu jitsu with him and they have three children (Brooks, Halle, and Banks). He is passionate about discipleship as he grew up in S. Florida and desired to know more about God, but found it difficult to find people who could help disciple him.

Ben has an MA in Religious Studies and a PhD in Theology and Apologetics from Liberty University. The title of his MA thesis is, “Jesus’ Resurrection: A Historical Inquiry.” His PhD dissertation sought to integrate a number of disciplines as evidenced by its title: “Philosophy of History, Historical Jesus Studies, and Miracles: Three Roadblocks to Resurrection Research.” You access can these and many other of his publications – for free – here.

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