Honest conversations with former atheists and skeptics who are now Christians
eX-skeptic is a safe and credible place for all to consider authentic, historic Christianity.
At ex-skeptic, we believe all deserve to experience stories of skeptics who found Christianity to be reasonable and relevant. In a story-driven, conversational podcast and a library of videos and testimonies, Jana Harmon interviews former atheists and encourages both skeptics and Christians to consider what motivates thoughtful, intelligent people to move from disbelief to belief.
Considering Christianity can be disorienting.
You want to be confident that your view of the world is good, relevant, and true. In order to do that, you need to know whether or not Christianity is worthy of belief.
The trouble is, Christianity is largely viewed as a belief system for the weak, delusional, and uneducated. It can be extremely difficult to break through negativity and stereotypes to explore authentic, historic Christianity.