Apologetics Roadshow


Bill Maher and Jordan Peterson Debate the Bible (LIVE with InspiringPhilosophy)

Bill Maher and Jordan Peterson Debate the Bible (LIVE with InspiringPhilosophy)

Did Richard Dawkins Start a Cult? (The Psychology of the New Atheism)

Did Richard Dawkins Start a Cult? (The Psychology of the New Atheism)

Three Quran Verses Every Christian Needs to Know (RIGHT NOW!)

Three Quran Verses Every Christian Needs to Know (RIGHT NOW!)

The Fool Says In His Heart, "There Is No God" [DOESN'T MEAN WHAT YOU THINK!]

The Fool Says In His Heart, "There Is No God" [DOESN'T MEAN WHAT YOU THINK!]

Muslim Scholar SHOCKS Christians, Says Jesus Was Crucified and Resurrected!

Muslim Scholar SHOCKS Christians, Says Jesus Was Crucified and Resurrected!

Jordan Peterson Discovers the MAIN Difference Between Christianity and Islam

Jordan Peterson Discovers the MAIN Difference Between Christianity and Islam

How to SILENCE an Atheist (When He Says God Wouldn't Allow So Much Evil)

How to SILENCE an Atheist (When He Says God Wouldn't Allow So Much Evil)

99.8% of Muslims Don't Know Allah Says THIS about the Bible!

99.8% of Muslims Don't Know Allah Says THIS about the Bible!

The Apologist Project

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